Prudent or Purple?
Well, it's Friday again. And time for my weekly update on the Happy Headache (the untimely-given-the-recession-gut-renovation of our new place). Anyway, things have slowed. Or, more precisely, stalled. We are still waiting on an all-important report from the structural engineer. And Husband and I have some dire decisions to make about replacing rotted joists and installing insulation in ceilings. But for the most part, things are standing still.
Which is just fine because this allows us to focus on the more fun and frivolous stuff. Like what wallpapers we will use or not use. I happen to like this one here for Toddler's room. It's delicate and yet funky. Bold, but feminine. A shred regal.
Per Professor Wiki, the color purple carries with it the following connotations: royalty, imperialism, nobility, Easter, upper class. Hmmm...
But here is my real dilemma: will I like this paper five years from now? Ten years from now? And, will Toddler like it? Because at age two, she is already becoming a little lady and if she is anything like her Mom, she is going to sprout a proud personality and maintain a healthy stockpile of opinions. Some strong opinions that will probably make her parents a wee bit crazy.
So, do I play it safe and pick an innocuous paint color? Something nice and neutral? A shade that no one will hate now or later? Or, do I go with my gut and have a bit of imperial funky fun?
My feeling (for now): life is short. Your home is your sanctuary. A bit of crazy color, of intelligent impulsivity, of regal risk, is good. Sure, Toddler will one day (gasp) become Teen. Sure, tastes morph and mature. But papers can always be stripped. And moms and kids, apartments and aesthetics, can always be, and perhaps should always be, reinvented.
What do you all think about my admittedly indulgent decor dilemma du jour? Should I be prudent or go purple?