wish for In the next five years...

I hope to publish at least two more novels. Stories that are quirky and crisp and loved.

I hope to have at least one more child. A child who is healthy and happy and embraced by big sisters.

I hope that Mom finds love. Love that is not a replacement, never a replacement, but a compelling next chapter.

I hope to learn how to cook and bake and drive a car.

I hope to accept myself for who I am. And have been. And am becoming.

Because there is always becoming. Thankfully.


I think so many of us are fearful for some reason of saying what we hope for out loud. Maybe we feel that we will jinx ourselves. Perhaps we feel greedy or selfish for wanting, for wanting more. Possibly, we worry that our wishes will be laughed at or not come true if told. I'm not sure. But I think it is so important that we acknowledge and articulate - concretely - our personal dreams and desires. Without identifying these dreams and desires, do we really participate in our evolution as people?

So, today is your day. What do you hope for in the next five years? For you. Don't be shy.


BlogHer 2010!


Date with my Daughter