They toss pennies into the fountain. And they make wishes. Sometimes, if they don't have pennies, they throw rocks. I love that my little girls do this. That they hurl small objects into shallow water and dream. I love that they are young enough, and wise enough, to believe that things will come true.

I have a wish for the weekend. My wish is that we have fun family days. That on Sunday, I am able to focus on the dads in my life instead of the one that I have lost. For the past few years, Father's Day has been a tricky time for me, a good day but one mixed with memories and longing and sadness.

But this one will be different. I already know that. I have grand plans for my man. A picnic. A trip to the fountain with three little girls. Extra coins. Wishes galore.

It will be a good one.

That's my wish at least.

What do you have planned this weekend? Any fun Father's Day festivities on tap? Is this a happy or sad holiday for you? What is your wish for this weekend?

Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful dads out there!


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