Maybe it is the no-drinking-of-alcohol-thing or the excessive-drinking-of-coffee thing, but I find myself particularly vulnerable to epiphanies these days. My most recent one was about color. I had a ton of people in our home Wednesday for a wild and wonderful Kindergarten gathering and more than one person complimented me on the use of color in our home. This has been something of a theme; it's usually the first thing people mention when they enter our abode. To me, color, and aesthetic, matters. As I was compiling this edition of Friday Loves, it took me a while to notice that I was unwittingly gathering items of a similar hue - that I was unconsciously creating a browny-beige collage, an ode perhaps to my favorite season of all: Fall. And so, here it is. That ode. And I plan to stick with this experiment in color-coding, in monochrome blogging. Yup, I'm a dork. Happy Friday, all!

1. Kneerim, Williams & Bloom.

My wonderful literary agent Brettne Bloom was recently named partner and the agency is now called Kneerim, Williams & Bloom. In the past couple of years, Brettne has proven an incomparable agent and friend and magically manages to motivate me while remaining preternaturally patient with me and my scattered ADR ways. I count myself lucky to be on her fabulous client list and can't wait to see what she does with my second novel (once I, ahem, finish it). Congrats, Brettne!


2. Skinny Jeans in Fun Fall Colors.

Confession: I am a fan of the stretchy skinny jean, sometimes called the jegging. In general, I think most people look slimmer and sleeker in this silhouette and it is a comfy option for those of us running around town/life with the kids. I am a big fan of color, but for fall, I am digging the darker autumn-esque colors. Think: deep green, burnt orange, chocolate, and these wine-colored lovelies from Rag & Bone.


3. A Calendar for the Organizationally-Impaired.

I am not good with keeping track of dates and appointments. Oh do I try, but things slip between those proverbial cracks, and a bit too often. On the day I realized I flaked on my baby's pediatrician appointment, I marched across the street to the amazing Paper Source and scooped up one of these enormous paper calendars. I bought fun colored pens to color code each family member's engagements and even snagged some cute stickers to flag various types of events; smileys for nights out with Husband, glittery cupcakes for birthdays, etc. Disclaimer: I love the calendar, but per Husband, it's kind of big.


4. Booze-Free Beer.

In the past eight-plus months of living the dry life, I have grown fond of non-alcoholic beer. I don't love it enough to keep it at home but when Husband and I have dinner out, I often order one. I've tasted several now and the following pass my admittedly-not-very-discriminating ADR muster: O'Douls, St. Pauli Girl N/A, Clausthaler, and Kaliber (by Guinness). I have yet to find a non-alcoholic wine or champagne that does not give me an immediate and debilitating headache but I'm open to ideas!


5. Uggs on Wee Ones.

Yes, these boots are a bit clunky and, well, ugg-ly, but they are so freaking comfortable that I imagine I will always wear them. And I actually love the way they look on kids. They come in a bevy of colors and styles, but I remain a fan of the Classic Short Boots in Chestnut. Though we have just entered the fall season, the big girls are already wearing theirs. Now, I just need to find the babe a pair.


6. Cute Coasters.

How cute are these monogrammed coasters? I am always on the lookout for fun and thoughtful birthday/thank you/hostess gifts and these certainly fit the bill. I know I would love to have a nice stack of these to break out when I entertain. Click over to Paper Ink Designs to see tons of coaster styles as well as other personalized paper and gifts.

What are you loving these days? Are you a fan of color, of skinny jeans, of Uggs? Do you have any great gift ideas? Have you ever tasted a decent non-alcoholic wine or champagne?


On Habits (& Hair)


Depth Varies