Red. A color I find myself gravitating toward more and more. Not a safe hue, but a happy one, one full of passion and life. When I think of red, I think of Starbucks holiday cups (soon!), NYC streetlights, and that fabulous bag Husband gave me for my last birthday. Anyway, here we have it: ADR Friday Loves, the red edition. Hope you enjoy this week's goodies and have a fabulous fall weekend. xoxo, ADR.

1. Bird By Bird.

I adore Anne Lamott. And her Bird by Bird is probably my favorite book on writing ever. I have read it several times and I will continue to read it again and again. Full of practical wisdom and spiritual support for all of us, not just those of us who have chosen to live a creative life.

2. Not-so-puffy Puffy Vests.

I am a big vest fan. And I love the coziness of a puffy parka-esque vests, but I am not in love with outerwear that makes us look, well, bigger than we are. Enter the simple and sleek not-so-puffy puffy vest. I have seen great ones at both Lululemon and Patagonia.

3. Plasma, Baby!

I learned about these cars from my cousin (Thanks, V!) and we now have two in our home. Kids love these aesthetically-pleasing ride-on vehicles that they can get going simply by steering (hard to explain, but very cool!). A great gift for kids in the 2-4 range, I'd say.

4. Crushworthy China.

This Hermes china is beautiful. I can't remember why we didn't pick it when we married almost eight years ago (crazy!) Yes, it's pricey, but in my mind it's worth the investment. I still love our wedding china, but guess how many times we've used it?

5. Old School Chucks.

Before the school year, I bought these slip-on Converse Chuck Taylors for all three of my girls in navy and I love them. So do the girls. They are easy to put on and seem to wear well. If the girls grow out of them and need a new pair, I'm going for red. For some reason, I love primary colors on my kids.

6. Mirror, Mirror...

How fabulous is this lipstick red mirror? Imagine it in a room of neutrals. Check out this fun article "Framed Mirrors for Modern Rooms." And, look, they are all red!

What are you loving these days? How do you feel about the color red?


Storm Snuggles 2012


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