Oh my. I have so much to tell you! Last night's Happier Hour with Lee Woodruff was absolutely amazing. So many wonderful women (sisters as Lee so aptly calls them). So many wonderful words (on writing, on dreaming, on life, on love). A beautiful book. Brilliant flowers. And I want to do this right, to tell you all about it, but I am racing and I am tired.

So. Stay tuned for my proper Happier Hour round-up which will be coming soon. For now though, I wanted to say another thank you because those are the words on my mind again this morning, this morning after a very big day, a day on which I received so many comments and notes from so many of you. I am still smiling so big. So big.

Yesterday afternoon, a very good friend of mine, a writer and a mother and a fellow examiner of existence, left a little something outside my door. When I got home from racing around, running errands for the event last night, I found that little something. It was, is, a little key chain. And it is inscribed with the following:

Clarity can

be its own drug

-- ADR


I held this trinket in my hand, staring at it, tearing up and smiling, deeply moved by the thoughtfulness of this gesture, reminded and keenly of the truth of these words I myself wrote just four months ago.

Anyway, I am racing and rambling and I know this, but I just wanted to come here today and say something even if it is less than eloquent. I wanted to say that I am happy to be here on this day and in this year and on this morning after a beautiful evening of women and ideas. I wanted to say that I appreciate all of you being here yesterday and today, bearing witness to the messy evolution of my self and my life.

I don't know. I guess I am just dizzy with gratitude and I could have waited to get a few cups of coffee in me, to better collect my thoughts. But I didn't want to wait. So here I am. Thanking you. Again. Expressing my ADR-esque overwhelm. Again. Telling you I love Lee Woodruff. Again.

Oh, and in case you were wondering after yesterday's grand finale Year Without Wine post, no, I didn't have any wine last night. The odd and incredible thing was that I didn't want it.

No, the crisp clarity was drug enough.

Again and again and again, thank you. Oh, and how amazing is the clarity-as-drug trinket from my incomparable friend Heather? Happy Thursday, guys! xox


This Is Childhood on the Huffington Post!


A Year Without Wine: I Did It!