Allow Yourself to Wander.
Yesterday, I did my Office Hours for Levo League. Being onscreen and presenting professional advice are two things that are well out of my comfort zone, but I did it and had fun with it. I was heartened to see a real theme emerge in my remarks. That theme? Allow yourself to wander.
My own story is a wandering story. I wandered from law to writing to blogging. And, yes, had a few babies along the way. And here I am. In a life, a story. One I struggle with from time to time, but feel passionate about and love deeply.
Anyway, I wanted to share the link to my talk. Here it is. My words are a bit all over the place, but then again so am I. I did come up with ten things I wish someone had said to me when I was just starting out. Hope you enjoy my talk and while you are on the Levo League site, I encourage you to spend some time and poke around. It's truly an inspiring place.
A big thank you to the lovely Leslie Zaikis and to Levo League for giving me the chance to ramble a bit about my personal/professional path.
Do you believe that it's important to allow ourselves to wander in our personal and professional lives? Has your story been a wandering one?