lauren slayton Tomorrow I am hosting my friend and fellow author Lauren Slayton for a Happier Hour salon here at my place. I've mentioned Lauren here on the blog several times, but it's worth repeating that Lauren is a fabulous nutritionist here in NYC who owns her own company Foodtrainers. Her recently-released book The Little Book of Thin is well-written, witty and very practical. I have been following Lauren's mandates for a full two weeks now to combat the post-holiday Icks and I'm feeling pretty fantastic.

Anyway, I will see a few of you tomorrow night, but for the vast majority of you, I thought it would be cool to give you an opportunity to ask questions of Lauren here. Questions about anything nutrition-related - the book itself and its principles, specific curiosities about particular habits/foods, etc... I will sift through your questions to come up with my own questions to ask Lauren tomorrow night (and report back later in the week), but also, Lauren has generously agreed to answer all questions here (when she can find time in her busy promoting/parenting/foodtraining schedule!!)

So, ask away!

And if you haven't yet, get your hands on this little gem: LBT  


10 Quotes That Will Make You Think


Are You a Perfectionist?