
4:41am this morning. I sat at my kitchen island with my laptop and my big old mug of coffee and communed with my new characters. Time blazed by I and heard little girl footsteps on the stairs.


Last night before bed, the girls changed into their pajamas and set up a little Christmas book scavenger hunt in the living room by the tree. We took turns reading.



Yesterday afternoon we took the girls to Lincoln Center to see the Nutcracker. There were some candy bribes at intermission and some seat-squirming, but they did great and we all enjoyed it.



Before we left for the show, I took a smiley selfie. I'm not sure why I do this. It strikes me as rather narcissistic, but there is a goodness to it as well. I think I like the idea of capturing myself here and there in this time of my life which is so beautifully dominated by (little) others. Why I need to share these images is another question entirely, one I plan to continue thinking about.


My littlest lady dressed herself for the Nutcracker and then tried on my heels.


Daddy made peppermint bark pancakes for the girls. They loved 'em. So did I.


On Saturday, our twin niece and nephew turned 1! My other niece also turned 9. December 13th is a big day in our family.


On Saturday morning, my pajama-clad babes decorated the gingerbread houses we made the night before. Making them was not a smooth endeavor. They kept collapsing and the kitchen island (and I) were slicked with frosting glue. But they had fun.


On Friday, the girls and I had a special Mommy-Rowlet afternoon. Often, the girls have play dates, but we chose to keep it to just us. On the walk home, Big Girl noticed an enormous hawk perched in a bare tree on our street. We stood for a long while staring up at this beauty.


After school, I took the girls to the wonderful new Book Culture in our neighborhood. I can't tell you how happy I am to have a new bookstore near us. The girls collapsed to the carpet and read each other books. We came home with several new Christmas books to add to our growing collection.


On Friday morning, I went on a wonderful tour of the crisis nursery at the New York Foundling. The work the Foundling is doing is SO important and I encourage you all to learn more about this organization.


On Friday morning, we waited for the bus. I caught this one of Husband yawning and oh did I smile. This phase of our life - and this season in particular - is so exhausting, but it's also exquisite. I do my best to try to remember that. Keeping track of these everyday moments, mundane and magical, helps.

Before I go, I'm thrilled to announce that B is the winner of Marissa Alperin's gorgeous ladybug earrings! Thanks to all who commented and entered the giveaway!

here year3


Happy 39th, Husband!


ADR Friday Love: Marissa Alperin Studio