EE 1 I woke up this morning and realized something: I am really really tired. Exhausted.

Exquisitely exhausted.

It's been a long and lovely week. On Saturday, I headed to New Haven for Sister T's graduation. Cozy on Yale's campus, I felt very much at home.

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I walked the streets of my past, noting the gorgeous green of the ivy. In the bold May sunshine, I watched my littlest sister graduate.

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As we walked from Old Campus, I hung back to get a shot of the graduate. Flanked by sisters. It's all about sisters.

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Oh. Forgot to tell you. During the ceremony, there were a few fun celeb sightings. (I spy Steven Spielberg.)

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We made our way to Pierson College. Where four of the five of us Donnelley girls spent our undergrad years. I studied the familiar swirls of a welcoming gate and the beckoning blue of a happy sky.

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We posed for pictures. Five daughters. One Mom. The Donnelley girls. Here are our feet.

On Monday, after a whirlwind of commencement activities and a couple of late nights, we came home. On Tuesday, there was a soccer class and a science class and a wonderful luncheon at the Natural History Museum. There was a tearful dedication of a plaque to a certain beloved man of nature. There were construction meetings. There was a panicky and very last-minute trip to Bergdorfs to find the perfect LBD (little book dress). At 8pm, as the store was closing, said dress was purchased.

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And yesterday, after an afternoon of signing stacks of Life After Yes at BookExpo America for scores of splendid strangers, I donned my little black dress and indulged in a contemplative moment before my book party. I stopped and said to myself, This is really happening. This is my Now.

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We made our way there. To the Library Bar at the Hudson Hotel. A stunning spot with vast portraits of cows and countless books. And perfect peonies from a good and loyal friend.

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In the center of the room, there was a beautiful blue pool table. Which kept the boys busy and in good spirits.

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Before the guests arrived, my man snapped away. He captured the sublime setting.

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He got candids of his wife. Like this one. Note that the only reason I am including this shot is because I kind of like the way my arm looks :)

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It was meaningful, magical, to be surrounded by so many old books while celebrating a new one.

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I like this picture. The juxtaposition of books and cows makes me giggle. It was a night of sweet smiles and friends and family and love and laughter. After the party, I stayed out for a bit with the girls. C, T, and I went for a late night meal. Like old times.

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And when I got home, I paused before the mirror in our lobby. I did something strange. Something I have been known to do. I looked at my reflection. I looked at my dress. At my side-swept hair. At my vast smile. And then I took a picture. To have evidence. To memorialize a moment, a fleeting and joyful and hushed moment, with myself.

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And then I took a few silly ones. Because in that moment I was feeling good and silly. And I decided there was nothing wrong with that.

And, home again, I slipped out of that black dress and into pajamas and crawled into bed with my snoozing and supportive man. Before nodding off, I kissed the back of his head. And then I slept. And continued to dream.

And I woke up this morning and realized something: I am really really tired. Exhausted.

Exquisitely exhausted.

The truth is I need a nap. And today, instead of racing and chasing and checking my Amazon ranking in ten minute intervals, I am going to take that nap. And if I have my way, there will be a little girl on either side of me cuddled up. And maybe even a cat or two purring at my feet.


Have you ever experienced exquisite exhaustion? Do you think it is silly (and narcissistic) that I periodically snap pictures of myself? Do you ever do this? Do you need a nap?

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The Name Game


Pondering Baby #3