
The thing about Now? It's all we've got. The past is the past. The future is not yet here. But the present moment is ours, all ours. I know this is terribly cliched, not to mention trendy, to say this, but here I am saying it. Because this has been a real focus of mine of late, to train my eyes on what's before me without being yanked back to what was and yanked ahead to what might be. It takes work to do this, work that doesn't get easier. As George Orwell said, "To see what is in front of one's nose requires a constant struggle."

That's what these posts are about. Seeing. 

The picture above? From Saturday morning. I had a bit of a breakthrough early in the morning and wanted to keep going once the babes were up so we made an adventure of it. We all hung out in my writing room and wrote our stories. The big girls penned stories about Thanksgiving. The baby basically ran around without her shirt saying really wacky and wonderful things.


Last Thursday, I took Middle Girl for her five year well-visit at the pediatrician. Was so happy to learn that my chickadee is healthy and growing. She got a "blue misty" (flu mist) and in the exam room, she and her little sister found a single book called Owl Babies. 


On Friday, I picked up the babe at Preschool and we walked home. She spotted a rainbow bike, looked up to me and said, "Someday I ride that bike?"


On Friday, I jumped in a taxi to head to the East Side to visit a dear friend and her brand new baby girl in the hospital. I was excited and happy, but also a bit nostalgic. I think I could totally do it again.20131117-121326.jpg

There is nothing quite like new life.


Middle Girl drew me a picture. "A cake with kissing flamingos!" she crooned. There are about 76 reasons I love this.


The Rowlets have put my leftover plastic party glasses to terrific use.


On Saturday, Big Girl had her last soccer game of the season and she and her fellow Pink Cupcakes were awarded trophies and posed for some team shots. It was the most exquisite and balmy day.


Here she is with her trophy. Important note: the soccer ball is squishy.


Little sisters surround the soccer star after her final game. Oh how I love the draped arm.


Indulged in some very sweet snuggle time with my babe. "You snuggle me, Mommy?" she asks several times a day. Swoon.


Another family room outtake. More snuggles with the tiny one. Middle Girl practicing her handstand on a chair in the distance. Big Girl was off-set scissoring paper snowflakes.


On Saturday night, Husband and I headed downtown to Beatrice Inn for dinner. The place was cozy and charming and the roasted carrots and brussels sprouts were divine. A spot to return to.


Sunday morning. My peeps let me sleep in a bit and I came downstairs to this scene. The big girls roasting paper marshmallows in their fabulous faux campfire. A pants-free Little Girl playing with my iPad Mini. The cats just chilling. Husband making crepes in the kitchen.


On the way to Chelsea Piers for gymnastics, we sang along to the Lumineers' Flowers in Your Hair. 20131117-121108.jpg

I had a sweet bird's eye view of Husband (green shirt) and Little Girl in class.

now 3It was a soggy mess of a day, but still. I caught this shot of my creatures. The ponytail makes me smile.

I am putting this post together at 8:32pm on Sunday night. And I am really tired. The girls really wore us out this weekend and tested our patience as they are wired to do and none of this parenting business is easy, but it is good. It is hard, so hard, and so beautiful at the same time. And doing this, this sitting down and sifting through images, evidence of real life, my compelling Now, reminds me of how lucky I am, we are, to be here. Here.

Hope you all have a wonderful week!

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are you good at seeing your now?


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