When Absence Means Presence

big girls walking
big girls walking

I have been absent from this blog and I love this blog, so that's something. But the glorious thing is that I have been present other places, most notably with these three beautiful girls who are growing like weeds, and becoming their own people. More moments with them has meant fewer moments here.

Also, I'm happily immersed in a new writing project which has me up (without an alarm!) every weekday morning at the cruel and utterly brilliant time of 4:30am. There are only so many hours in each day and I'm spending these hours a bit differently than I have in the past, but I've decided that this is not only okay, but good. 

We must allow ourselves, and our lives, to evolve.

But that doesn't mean I don't miss this place, and all of you. I do! And I trust that I will be back here, in fits and starts, with stories I simply must tell.

Hope all of you are well and having a happy May.


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